As a Manufacturer, Why Should You Care About Water?

Treating the Hard to Treat

What does Earth Day mean to you? For the metal finishing industry, it means that we continue to make the many parts that make the world go round, from airplane and automobiles to medical devices. If it is metal, we touch it. A side aspect of our industry is that we use millions of gallons of water a year to make these parts. This is water we pull from our communities. In the United States it is estimated that 2.2 MILLION people lack clean water.

Metal finishers aways step up to help in our communities, so now we find ourselves asking the question “What can we, as an industry, do to help the people in our communities who need clean water?”

The answer is we can reduce the amount of clean water we bring in to make parts. We can do this through wastewater recycling/recovery systems. Capturing wastewater from the manufacturing processes and cleaning it enough to reuse is not as hard as you may think. Equipment such as carbon filtration, evaporation, and microfiltration can remove things such as organics, metals, and FOG ensuring the water can go back into processes, so the lines do not need to ring in fresh water for manufacturing.

If you want to learn more about wastewater recycling listen to our podcast or reach out to one of our experts who will be happy to help you meet water reduction goals!

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Excerpt: Metal finishers aways step up to help in our communities, so now we find ourselves asking the question “What can we, as an industry, do to help the people in our communities who need clean water?”

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